Career-Planning-Guide[1]Whether your decision to make a career change at midlife is influenced by boredom and ennui in your present work, financial reasons, or wanting to follow your true passion, the first important step that you should take is to acknowledge the fact that you are making a decision that doesn’t fall short of life-changing. There are, after all, lots of factors to consider; all the more so if you already have a family to raise, as you would definitely have to consult them as well.

If you are looking for some midlife career change ideas worth remembering, then you need only to read the advice we have listed below. Not only could this help direct you towards the right direction that your life should take from this point onwards, but it could also clear any doubts that you still have about going on with this truly important life decision.

1) Take some time off

You would definitely need a lucid, stress-free mind to make such a critical decision so be sure to invest time in thinking about your future prospects and plans. Preferably, this should be done alone, in a place where you are certain you can find peace and solitude. It won’t take long for you to discover that, with a mind that is at peace and unburdened by everyday problems, you won’t find it hard to begin looking at things more clearly and positively.

2) Be realistic

One of the most overused, banal sayings about the topic of career change is that you should “do what you love”. While this is something that most of us would, as much as possible, not want to label as mere wishful thinking, it’s simply not always the case in real life. This is why when weighing your decisions, you should always lean more towards something that would be feasible, without sacrificing the things that ignite your passion. This is why “Learn to love what you do” could prove to be the better maxim.

3) Be open to taking career assessment tests

These tests are specifically designed to help people who want to get the career that they’ve always wanted, so never hesitate to take them. They would surely help you get a better view of all the options that you have, as they are tests that involve finding out your skills, personality strengths and weaknesses, and, ultimately, your real passion. What’s good about these types of tests is that they are also available as self-assessment tests online, and you can take them anytime you want.

4) Take action

By this time, you are probably already quite aware and confident of the things that you’re good at This is why if you decide to do something or embark on a new endeavor, always make it a point to equip yourself with the necessary knowledge and skills to start taking action as soon as possible. Experience, after all, is the best teacher. Don’t allow yourself to get stuck at the planning and analyzing part. Most of the time, it’s only when you dive into the water that you begin discovering new opportunities and possibilities.

5) You’re not alone

Seek the help of others, may they be your friends or professionals. Your loved ones are always there to support you. You are not limited to your social circles as well, because there are trained professionals such as career coaches who are ready to help give you other good midlife career change advice, which could very well demystify and reveal opportunities that you hadn’t thought of and noticed before.

Always remember that if you really have a positive outlook and the willpower to undergo such a major change, then you can practically do and get anything that you strive for. By simply keeping these tips in mind, even if you encounter setbacks (and more often than not, you most assuredly will), you can always shake off the mud from the battleground of life and triumphantly continue on until you reach your goal.

By Steve Bohler