Change is a natural and expected part of running a successful business. Sometimes a startup — or external factors in its market or industry — can change in ways the founder didn’t anticipate, and in such cases, it’s necessary to take a different approach to your business operations.

Whether big or small, strategic pivots need to be carefully planned and well-timed. But, how do you know when your company is ready to evolve to its next phase? Katrina Brittingham offered her thoughts on when and how to pivot your business.

(Orignally article with quotes from other Council members available here: Pivot in Business

What You’re Offering Is No Longer Relevant

I know when to pivot when my clientele begins to change. This has happened many times in my business. Sometimes, it was because new education had changed my style of coaching and counseling. Other times, it was listening to my clients and what their changing needs were. If I did not change, then my services would no longer have been relevant to them.

If you need to help finding out if it is time to pivot and the steps you need to take to make a change. Click here to Schedule an appointment with Katrina Brittingham today!