VentureReady LLC Work Samples


Below, you will find a few examples of our work.
Every client project is different so the layout, format, and font you see within these resume examples may or may not be the same should we write your resume and cover letter. The following does give you some idea to our writing style, depth and broadness of content we strive to achieve. Anytime we approach a new resume project, for example, we take certain variables into consideration; e.g. length of work history, employment gaps, career strengths, and yes, sometimes weaknesses.
When looking for a resume writing service to work with you, there are several crucial things to look for.
First, examine the overall layout of the resume sample documents. Do each stand out from others you’ve seen? Second, read the content. Is it keyword rich? Third, do the resume samples have “meat” to them. Lightweight resume examples are typically the sign of a new resume writer, whereas a resume that’s heavy in appearance and contains a nice amount of content is typically the sign of a seasoned resume writer.
Here is a sampling of the resumes and other documents we’ve written to assist clients in their job search and interview:



Contact us to get a resume to market your professional brand and land an interview today! Order simply place an order by clicking on “Resume Services.”